Five Criterion Collections Wants!

The Criterion Collection is having a spring sale until May 27, 2024. Here are five Criterions that are on my want list!

To Die For (1995):

Spine number 1213. Directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Nicole Kidman and Joaquin Phoenix.

Based on Joyce Maynard’s book with the same title as the movie, this dark comedy revolves around a character named Suzanne Stone, who dreams of becoming famous and being on TV by any means.

The link to buy is here:

Risky Business (1983):

Spine number 1227. Directed by Paul Brickman and starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. (this is a preorder date of July 23, 2024). I didn’t watch this movie until three years ago, but it is one of my favorite movies from the 1980s.

The link to preorder is here:

Peeping Tom (1960):

Spine number 58. Directed by Michael Powell. Starring Carl Boehm. This movie is one of those films that sticks with you after you watch it. One man’s weird and addictive addiction to voyeurism turns deadly.

The link to buy is here:

My Own Private Idaho (1991):

Spine Number 277. Directed by Gus Van Sant. Starring River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves as two young swindlers on the streets with no home or attachment to anyone or anything other than the two of them.

The Link to buy is here:

Umberto D. (1952):

Directed by Vittorio De Sica. Vittorio De. Sica is one of my favorite directors, and this movie makes me cry every time I watch it.

What movies are on your to-buy list for the spring? Comment below!!!

Until next time!

Happy Anniversary Hairspray!

Hairspray premiered on February 26, 1988. The first time I watched Hairspray it was on a Sunday afternoon and it was the Sunday movie on channel 20. I was cleaning my room and wanted to have some background noise so I decided to turn on the TV. This was the first image I saw on the screen:

My first thought was “OMG that hair!!” But then I decided to watch it because it felt so much fun and there was so many interesting dance moves that I automatically became a fan of the film.

Hairspray is one of those movies that stays with you and I have often quote it with friends.

Here are some interesting facts about the movie:

This is director John Waters only PG-rated Film.

Baltimore director John Waters and drag queen extraordinaire Divine, aka Harris Glenn Milstead, share a light moment outside the Senator Theatre at the world premiere of “Hairspray” in 1988. (Amy Davis/Baltimore Sun)

The amazing Rachel Sweet sings the title song: Hairspray:

The great Jerry Stiller who play the role Wilbur Turnblad in the 1988 version of the movie:

Divine stands next to Jerry Stiller in a scene from the film ‘Hairspray’, 1988. (Photo by New Line Cinema/Getty Images)

Plays Mr. Pinky in the 2007 version of the movie:

At first the role of Edna Turnblad was wrote for Christine Jorgenson but when the role of Tracy Turnblad was rewritten. John Waters decided to also rewrite the role of Edna in order to keep Divine in the movie.

This was also Divine’s last movie with John Waters.

John Waters decided to cast Pia Zadora when he saw her in the movie Voyage of the Rock Aliens:

What is your favorite John Waters movie? Comment below!!!

Until next time!!

Source: Internet Movie Database and Youtube