Welcome to the Insta-hood: @thejimharold!

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing @thejimharold !

  1. Tell me a little about yourself:

” I am a full-time pro podcaster. I’ve been podcasting on the supernatural since 2005 and took it full-time in 2012. I love my job and am so thankful. I love talking to authors and experts about their theories on the paranormal on my longest running show, The Paranormal Podcast. 

Even better is the opportunity to talk with listeners about their own experiences with the strange on my most popular show, Jim Harold’s Campfire.

2. How did you come up with the concept of creating so many great paranormal podcasts?

” I was a broadcasting student in college and everyone (including myself) thought I’d end up working in news or something of the like. Life happened and I ended up working in radio but on the advertising side of the business. In 2005, I heard about podcasting and thought I’d produce one to scratch my broadcasting itch. I never thought it would become a career! I chose the paranormal topic since I was interested in the subject since

I was a little kid watching In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy. I started with The Paranormal Podcast since interviewing authors and experts in the paranormal sounded neat. One week in 2009, I did not have a guest so I thought I’d do listener stories and that was the genesis of Jim Harold’s Campfire. That has grown over the years with me trying a number of shows and creating my Paranormal Plus Club which features exclusive shows in addition to all the free shows I do. This year, Jim Harold Media launched Unpleasant Dreams which is a narrative style podcast with sound design, etc. It’s a new type of show for us but it’s doing great so far.”

3. Do you have a memorable experience or two that a listener shared with you and left a lasting impression?

” The Roadhouse Saloon is my favorite all-time Campfire story. It details the experience of a woman who, with her friend, found themselves at a very strange bar that was like something out of the Twilight Zone. It seems that she and her friend nearly found themselves actually absorbed into this otherworldly place. It seemed like it was some sort of dimensional portal. I loved the story so much that I actually traveled to her home in another state with a videographer and interviewed her. You can find an expanded video version of the story (see video below). It is QUITE the story and I believe her 100%.”

4. If you had to create a movie list of 3 movies to watch for the fall. What movies would you suggest and why?

The Shining (1980)

” The Shining – Because it’s The Shining!
Rosemary’s Baby – This movie creeps me the eff out! Haha! It has such a sinister undertone throughout you just feel like taking a shower after you watch it. Everything is lurking just under the surface. I find it more terrifying than The Exorcist. It is CREEEEEEEPY and I love it!

Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

A Christmas Story – I love the nostalgia of this Christmas classic even though it is set even before my time! Plus, much of it was shot in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. I grew up in an old house not unlike the one in the movie. MUST WATCH every holiday season.

A Christmas Story (1983)

5. Do you have any exciting news or events that you would like to share?

” 2021 has been crazy and I was looking back and thought that I’d not accomplished much because we moved from our longtime home this year to a great area BUT upon reflection I am amazed by what we were able to accomplish:
1. Hit 60 million combined downloads of all of our shows. We’ve released about 2,700 episodes combined over the last 16 years.

2. Redesigned website at JimHarold.com which I LOVE! I hated our old design. It was so cluttered but this is super classy and it’s easy to find the content.

3. Launched Unpleasant Dreams which is the narrative podcast I mentioned earlier. It is hosted by my daughter Cassandra Harold who is doing a bang up job on it…yes, I’m biased but she has a drama background and she does a way better job with it than I ever could. We have a tremendous writer and researcher on the project, EM Hilker

.4. Relaunched our email newsletter

5. A lot of other stuff I am forgetting but I’ll remember after I close this document.
In 2022, we are going to redouble our video efforts on my YouTube channel and plan to release the sixth book in our Campfire series. 
It is busy here but I love what I do. That’s why I think we can get so much done with a very small but mighty part time team. I’m the only full time person here. I am so thankful to my listeners for making this great job possible for me. And, I’m grateful to you to be able to share my story with your audience. Thank you!”

If you like to learn more about Jim and his amazing podcasts. The following contact information is below:

Twitter: @THEJimHarold

Facebook: TheJimHarold & Virtual Campsite FB Group

Instagram: @thejimharold

Youtube: Jim Harold

Thank you so much for the interview Jim!

Until Next time!!!

Six years…

The first time I met you I wasn’t nervous. I had a good feeling about you. We went to see a movie together and you held my hand the hold time. From time to time I glanced in your direction while the movie was on. I looked at your eyes. For the first time in my life you felt like home, I felt comfort, I felt love I knew I found my soulmate….Flash forward six years I asked you if you wanted a family. You said “sure but I’m getting old” I replied with “no, I don’t believe so. I want a family with you.” You didn’t say anything else. You drew quiet. You drew back you said nothing. But I ignored it because I love you. It’s hard to described my love for you because I don’t think it needed a definition. It was a feeling a literal gut feeling that goes throughout my body. It is an indescribable feeling: a sensation that I never felt before. But everytime I say I love how much I wished you say it back. I hoped one day he will say it but that day will not come. You decided that love isn’t important or I’m not. I’m not sure….. but I can’t stay in limbo for the rest of my life. Hoping you will say “I love you “. I want to create a life, a family with my soulmate. I want meaning to someone. I want a gift or a card for my birthday, holidays or just because . I never got anything like that in the six years I stood by you. I wanted meaning in your life. You never thought I deserved it. I don’t want to wait forever until maybe you feel like you want this. I should not be an option at this point. For six years I traveled, save up money, sold my possessions, gave you my treasures because I love you and I happily gave them up freely. You didn’t want to give any of time in return. Love isn’t something you take for granted. Love is something you work on to let it grow. Please I hope you find it in your heart to allow it to grow.

Holiday cards, work, tears, and coffee: A November to remember.

It’s almost midnight and instead of catching up on some much needed sleep. I couldn’t sleep… I needed to write and listen to Electric Light Orchestra to be able to write this post.

Writing for me is something I really love. it is a way to share and discussion things in an open platform I normally don’t share. But like everything else in my life I am behind on posting in my blog. But that is totally fine. I don’t want to turn something I really like to do into a chore or give myself a deadline to turn something in show that I exist. So I have been writing when I get the urge too and recently it has been during the late night hours til early morning.

Work has taken up a lot of my time but the positive part of it has been able to meet a lot of amazing new people! A lot of people in my work place are moving on to new and exciting adventures and I couldn’t be more happier and proud for them. 🙂 Also a lot of coffee has been consumed during working hours with extra espresso shots for the can’t blink your eyes kind of feeling to get you through the day.

Card from Greenwich Letterpress: One of my favorite card stores!

In other news I have started working on sending out holiday cards early. Mostly because I do send out a high number of cards and want to make sure that I get everyone on my list a card. So if you would like a card from me and have a US mailing address, Please dm my @lady.cult instagram account your full name and mailing address. I will try my best to send out cards before christmas.

Things are sometime stressful so tears may fall this holiday season but I am human and full of emotions. The best advice I can say is that it is better to let it out than hold it in.

Also if you are wondering where to get that card. Please check out: greeenwichletterpresshop.com

Until next time!

Top five Criterion Collection Wants from the B&N sale!

Barnes and Nobles is having another amazing Criterion Collection 50% sale going on now until November 29th!

So here are five of my must have must from the sale!

Deep Cover directed by Bill Duke. Starring Laurence Fishburne and Jeff Goldblum. (Spine #1086)- I watched this movie over the summer and I felt like I was watching an old film noir set in the 1990’s. Laurence Fishburne goes from hardworking cop to an undercover agent who get pulls into the underbelly of the 1990’s LA crime scene.

Citizen Kane directed by Orson Wells (1941). Starring Orson Wells, and Joseph Cotton. (Spine #1104). This is the first movie I remember watching that left a lasting impression on me that I did many, many school papers on. This is the kind of movie that every time re-watch it you notice something new or different that you didn’t notice during the previous watch. Also I am planned to upgrade to this one because I watched this movie so many times that there are visible scratches on the disc.

Melvin Van Peebles: Essential Films. This will be a blind buy for me. I always wanted to watch the films of Melvin Van Peebles and his films have been on my to watch list. Especially Sweet Sweetback’s Baadassss Song so I am glad that I am getting this set that includes that movie and some of his other masterpieces.

Onibaba directed by Kaneto Shindo (spine #226). This is one of my favorite movies that is on the Criterion Collection. The amazing cuts in this movie makes you feel like you are in the folklore.

The Complete Films of Agnes Varda. This massively set is definitely going to be a holiday gift that I am giving myself. Agnes Varda is one of my favorite directors because she covered so many different themes and genres during her amazing career.

What movies are on your list to buy during the sale?

Comment below!

until next time!!!