Mother’s Day Movies/Book Recommendations!

Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate! Here are some book and movie recommendations to celebrate some fantastic mom characters!

Terms of Endearment (1983):

Starring Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, and Jack Nicholson. Directed by James L. Brook, Shirley MacLaine is magical in this as Aurora, and Debra Winger as Emma. They play two personalities that clash constantly but come together as mother-daughter when times become difficult.

Betty by Tiffany McDaniel—I read this book two years ago. It touches on topics such as poverty, violence, and abuse. Betty is one of eight siblings living in a dilapidated farmhouse the town claims is haunted and cursed. Therefore, anyone who lives in it shares those same characteristics as the farmhouse.

Carrie (1976):

Starring Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie and Amy Irving. Carrie is not like your average teenager. She doesn’t make friends easily and has an extremely strict household.

Mommie Dearest:

Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford. I read this book every couple of years. I remember when I first read it, I was taken aback by Christina’s shocking claims. However, reflecting back on what I read and the recent claims that have come out about the book, I still wonder which parts were the truth and which were not.

Baby Boom (1987):

Starring Diane Keaton and Sam Shepard. A few years ago, I was in a bad mood and wanted to slip away and watch a funny movie. I turned on Turner Classic Movies and saw this movie was on. It was such a cute and funny movie about J.C. Watt, who is very career-minded; however, everything stops when she learns she has inherited a baby.

The Exorcist:

The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty: Regan and her mother live in Washington, D.C. Her mom is a famous actress currently filming a movie in the area. Everything seems pleasant and wonderful until Regan starts to act weird.

What movies or books do you usually watch during this time?

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