Lady.Cult’s Holiday Gift Guide: 2019!

Hello Everyone and welcome to the Lady.cult Holiday Gift Guide 2019! All of these items are from small and amazing businesses. So please check out there social media accounts and items that they made or curated



Misterbnation makes some pretty awesome things such as this fun pin. I am such a fan of Divine and John Waters and I know a lot of other people are too. So for that special someone or that person that has a scrooge mindset during the holiday season then this pin is a definite must!

Link to buy is below:




Souvenir Jewelry        has amazing jewelry and I am a fan of any kind of jewelry that is unique fun and long lasting. So when they recently made a collection called “Smell the Magic”  and I saw these earrings I knew I had to add these to the holiday gift guide!



Link to buy is below:


Spoiled Rotten Fly Stud Earrings



House of Mysterious Secrets    sells some pretty awesome stuff and if you are ever in a tight spot in buying a little gift for someone then may I suggest these horror air fresheners?


It is a unique gift and I am pretty sure that it is something they don’t have.


Link to buy is below:

Air Freshener


Kitschculturecanada  makes very special items. They have such a fun and creative way of mixing the TV shows I used watch growing up with items for your home. So when I was browsing through their site recently and came across this spectacular Golden Girls Christmas tree topper my jaw literally dropped!


Link to buy is below:

Golden Girls Christmas Tree Topper

It is no surprise or hidden secret that I love horror movies. I also have a soft spot for Christmas horror movies. So when Cavity Colors did a recent release of a sweater of the movie Silent Night, Deadly Night. I immediately pre-order it. I made it even more festive by picking out the forest green color.


Link to buy is below:

Silent Night, Deadly Night Sweater


Billy Lilly Universe is an amazing duo that creates some great art. They even make art you can wear like this Gizmo riding a convertible t- shirt:


Link is below to buy:

Gizmo Short-Sleeve T-Shirt

PGBloodhouse runs a bookstore on Esty and has the most interesting assortment of books. As a book lover I have been a frequent buyer from his bookstore. So if you have the book lover on your list why not grab from the shop. I am pretty sure you spend time just browsing through the site looking through some interesting titles!


Link to the bookstore is below:

PG BloodHouse


Recently I came across a site called Always Fits where they sell really cute and kitsh items like The Golden Girls Hot Sauces and a stick of butter Ornament. They don’t sell clothing or something that requires needing to  get an actual size of what a person wears. Hence the name “Always Fits.” A lot of things on their site caught my attention and I thought were pretty cool like this Bob Ross Self Painting Color Changing Mug:

bob_ross_mug (1)

Link to buy is below:

Bob Ross Self-Painting Color Changing Mug


Martin Ontiveros is an amazing artist who creates badass art. His art is colorful and strong. His store also has the option of getting his art in prints like this one below:


Link to buy is below:


Happy Shopping everyone! what is on your shopping list?


Until next time!





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